Friday, December 09, 2005

Boring plus Love

As u all who knows me, I am a boring person. Even if u doesn't think so, I do. Today Kawoh's "girl-friend" says my blog is boring. Yay~ 1st negative comment for my blog. Sometimes I feel I want to make the blog less formal, but its hard. Me is me after all. Arhhhh...

LOVE, what a wonderful word, the whole world changes once its said. My 1st love is in the kindergarten. Not much remembering how I felt for that girl now, but I know who I am. I won't simply pour feeling to another person. So I know I once loved that girl. Although not vividly remember how she looks like, but at least I can still remember her hair style, still remember I held her hands before and still remember how I miss her when she went to another school for standard one. At that time, of course I don't know what sex is, so my feeling for her is just love.

The second love that come to my life, I can say it's my 1st puppy love. The love is so deep that the world ceased to exist. At that time, I fell in love for my niece from Australia. She stay at my home when she come to Malaysia for a visit. After seeing her for some time, I fell in love for her. I was only in primary school at that time, not yet standard 6. When I'm in school I will always think of her. I will want to go back home early to catch a glimpse of her look and to hear the sound of her voice. She is the only person I ever wanted, more precious than my life. I am more than willing to give up my life in order to make her happy. One day I told myself, if she cant live, I will die with her too. When she wants to go back to Australia, my heart is broken, I stole my father's money and went to buy some fake glass jade jewelry from night market for her. And during the last day she is here, I quarrel with my father for the first time. My father sends me to the school but I refuse to get down the car because I want to go home so that I can see her a bit longer, just a bit. So I cried and cried.... then my father said, "what will your niece say when she know you skipped class? she will think you as a lazy person". It feels like a mallet fell on my head, I wouldn't think of that before. So I went to school still crying. I could care less about the people laughing at me crying that time because I was too broken.
Since then, I never feel love ever again. ( I never felt love from my family in the first place)

Then when I reach secondary school, I have a little crush, little little crush for the girl who sat behind me. Her name is Pang Shek Mei. After not very long, was considering the girl who sat beside her as well. :) But my crush for Pang becomes more serious by a bit. Although I cannot say I fell in love for her, but what I can say is, she captures my attention. I still remember during my friend's birthday party, when she arrived she waved her hair and dunno why my body and mind become frozen, mesmerized. After a few second, I realized that I was frozen and quickly check weather anyone was looking...:p Later I got tell some of my friends about my little crush for that girl, but that sends her boyfriend come looking for me. Her boy friend is the most handsome guy in the school that time, looks a bit like Aaron Kwok^^. Of course I denied my stand to avoid any complications, and I forgot my feelings for her later.

My next wave of romance in life comes when I was around form 4. The girl who sat beside Pang that I considered last time, fell in love with me @_@ , really I'm not joking. She asked me to go to the same tuition class as her and asked me to get a driving license to fetch her up to tuition. I did bring her to tuition after I get licinse :p . She wants me to become her boyfriend and declares that I love her. But for the truth, I do not love her. But I do not tell her my feelings, mainly because of 2 reasons, first I don't want to hurt her feelings and second, who does not like being loved? Without my confession, she keeps on pursuing me for about 2 years until i went to MMU. Now, I felt sorry for what I've done. We stopped contacting each other after my alpha year and recently she got her boyfriend from UM. I felt happy for her that she at last found someone truly was meant for her. Her name is Loh Mei Ying.

So, until now, I am still single, waiting for my venus to come rescue me from my loneliness and give color to my hellish life.

The picture above is venus :)


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