Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Stupid blog!

Arh... I cant log into the blog since my last posting. Stupid stupid idiot blog$%#%$#%$... why cant i use back my user name and password to log on? anyways, i got the info d. so, more posts to come. Thanks, Stan for visiting my stupid blog. i think u r the only one who do so. I'll put the url in my messenger later. You are the reason I came cack.

Lately I have edited wikipedia. Its so much fun, and plenty sence of accomplishment. I edited the article for Gayageum, but someone make further improvements to it lately. and the latest is article for Geomungo. Doing research before editing the page is much of the fun part. I've learned a lot from my last readings, especially about the goyuryeo dynasties. Both China and Korea claimed the history of the place exclusively of their own country, and has been a source of hot debate between the two countries although the place is two third in china.

After reading some korean nationalist claim in youtube, I'm very angry with them. they have made outrageous claim. They say chinese people is actually korean slaves, they invented paper, have chalenged the china's first emperor but avoided war because china is weeker than korea, besides having a history of 10 000 years and the centre point of the start of civilization in the east. I never knew korean people have such claims. Only time can tell the truth.


Blogger Trystan said...

no update one? i stil see your blog okay with no updates one. :p

8:43 PM  

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