Wednesday, November 22, 2006


I know, he knows and God knows I’m innocent in this matter, and yet, I am willing to apologize. But some idiot inconsiderate fucker who so called “friend” always take what he assumes, to be the whole truth, the only truth and nothing but the truth. I stay away from him to avoid him from evil mouth of our colleague, but he also took this as a week sign and ever since our friendship is never be the same. I am devastated. He is the earliest closer friend I had in MMU.

When human see someone in trouble, people always have a helping intention because that is the nature and instinct of Homo sapiens and a reasonable man. Aside of being a human and a friend, you really can’t be a little more understanding? Try put yourself in my shoe and what will you feel? Oh I’m sorry, you are not human, can’t expect you to understand right? You are so certain what I am thinking and what I did that you MUST be GOD himself!!

A friendship has turn sour, and I’m going to scavenge it. the picture has little to relate to this matter but this problem reminds me of my feelings back then.


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