Thursday, September 21, 2006

Junction ?

Tonight last class for erhu before study week, yesterday yim suddenly said, if you got free time, teach me erhu. Hm… =_=

The male YY packed his things this morning, went back hometown I guess. May be I can do that too. On the second thought, may be not.

I know we made a lot of choices in our life, but not everything that happened we a have choices in it. If it is like you said, then there is no need for physiatrists or any depression medication or therapy because people just simply ‘choose’ to. Anything happened? Then just simply go the other way around…. I wish it is that simple. Don’t get angry huh, my mood not good that day.

Will god give less attention to you if you bring a friend along? I remember something in the bible that says half days work receives the same pay as a full days work. Does Jesus choose his believers? Or what is your true intention in approaching god? Is the house of god your private club? Who am I to talk about god’s teachings?

Bukit Beruang Buddhist centre is looking for members for youth Buddhist fellowship. There is dharma talk and on Thursday got youth session of Buddhist song singing and many other activities. They are also looking for a voluntary computer teacher for primary kids. The computer and brats are there but sadly there is no teacher. Anyone interested can approach me.

Exam is around the corner. It is much nearer than I thought. I can’t start revision earlier because lately too busy taking care of my stuff. Later still got multimedia project presentation. There is nothing much for me to present actually because I did not finish doing it, furthermore late submission =_=”


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