Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Hallelujah, amen.

I went to the Lutheran church nearby my house last Sunday. I get two books written in Chinese =_=”. The church is also run by people, people is not perfect. Common human trait? More said than done.

Have love? Don’t have love? That is the topic for that day. Are you willing to share your love from god with someone who lives on the street or people who does not dress or act normally? In other words, people that is not as fortunate as you.

Whether its nature, nurture or choice, hope is offered like piece of expensive merchandise. Don’t take it up if you are not prepared or cannot afford to sacrifice. The one who need it is you, not us. Sounds harsh but that are the way to do it.

Probably they will lend me a hearing ear? Should I try? I think most probably I will. Friends? I can’t afford to lose anymore friends. The price to trust a friend is too big.


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