Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Yeah Baby~

Yesterday I went to the counselor again. Someone cut his wrist out of depression and now being held at Melaka hospital mental ward. =_=” I did not feel any surprised because I totally understand his feeling and actions because I tried to hurt myself before also.

My third session of counseling is scheduled next week. I think before long, I will be in counseling mode where I won’t act like myself in various aspects. I will start act what I am pre-programmed to do. I don’t know what the outcome will be but I pray it would not make people hate me more. Probably the last semester don’t have midterm break has stress me out.

“Don’t do things to others that you do not wish others do to you.” But the problem is, these people is really too selfish and self-centered. They only remember what people did, forgetting that they did the same thing to that person.

Yesterday I went to 'tae kwon do' also. Today when I sneeze, it’s like Oh Shit! You know why? Because my abdomen hurts >”<. I think I over did at yesterday’s training. But over doing is the one that gives the kick in doing something. Now I feel reluctant to leave tae kwon do. But to staying there I will have to dish out another rm15 per month for the fees. Plus rm32 for my erhu class, that means I will have to get ready about rm50 extra per month for my co-curricular activities. >_< no money~

Did I mention I am going to buy the instrument also? It cost about rm300 something. The teacher says, if you play it for a year, it only cost about rm1 per day. True, but can I pay rm1 per day for a year? Of course it’s a definite NO!!. Doesn’t really know where I am going to get the money but I think I will have them when it is pay up time, who says I am not Mr. Positive-thinking! @_@


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3:40 AM  
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7:31 AM  

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