Sunday, July 02, 2006

Ho ho ho~ not chrismas yet?

For these two weeks, I have completely forgotten my blog’s user name. When I try to recover them, I was completely surprised because I remembered I have that username just when I look at the help email. Don’t know what is happening to me, getting old? XD

I already have a new phone from Australia given by my aunty. It is the first generation of nokia camera phone (^_^). But sadly, I don’t have the data cable. I am going to get one of those later and soon, there will be pictures taken by me in the blog. Yay~ but I doubt the quality of the image but, who cares? I got a new phone, hehe.

Yesterday I went to the RTM filming for Robocon. It is very tiring because I have to continuously taking dumbbell while shooting in the gym and got a lot of NG and worse still, we have to take for two languages; English and Malay. The funny part is the Malay, you know lah.. Haha. And it is very embarrassing when the shooting is taken in public places. Luckily the only public places I went for shooting is the US Pizza, all the members there get free treat pizza. ^-^

This weekend got IT Fair. I want a DVD burner, pen drive and an optical mouse. Anybody want present them to me? @.@ no money lah….. Cannot afford but I want, I want, I want~ >.< eeeeee……….~


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.

9:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.

4:56 AM  

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