Wednesday, July 12, 2006


I went to the COS Chinese orchestra society agm yesterday. Waa, got performance, but the quality is so so only lah. Only se the Kelvin housemate playing gao hu western song is very good. I am impressed.

Lately I want to do some instrument making. So, I decided to make an erhu or gaohu. Host likely is gaohu. Gaohu is same as erhu but has a higher pitch and brighter sound, but I afraid I can’t reach that high note on my DIY instrument with a clear bright sound. Snake skin? Nah… I figured a way to substitute it. Use cloth can or not? You just wait and see…. XD

So what I need the most now is compact hard wood. Since the species that available in Malaysia is already in threat of extinction, I guess use a bit softer should be ok. I went searching for material twice already, tonight I am gonna hit, got two pieces.

Now I am thinking where should I make it? Here or hometown? I think hometown will be bigger probability. There got equipment and dun scare wake people up or damaging landlord property. But thinking of transporting the wood back would be a hassle. Haiz…


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.

8:32 AM  

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