Monday, February 18, 2008

Bored bored bored.

Hi!. I just write something because i was loged on to read Dianne's blog. 1st of all, Happy CNY to all. Recently all my play frens is too preoccupied for themselves. what should i say about fren like this? only available when they are too free or want to find u out to play. recently they dont even have the initiative to find me go play or chat. so, i was SERIOUSLY reconsidering this type of frendship. For them, friend is just something disposable. Can have or dont have also nevermind. but for me, my fren is my universe.
So to avoid being hurt again, maybe i should just stay away from them. I really in lost of contact with them. it hurts me alot. seems like i have to beg for atention, and still be ignored. cant spare me 10? 5? or just 2 mins before u sleep?or just one line of ym msg will do. But nothin. nothin at all. all back to I,myself and me. so, why i need them? God bless u all. good nite.


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