Monday, February 25, 2008


Hm.... i have found myself promoting amway's product every now and then when I'm in conversation with friends. To know the facts of their products is a topic of conversation and suggestion. In my opinion, their products are unquestionably good, but the only barrier to substitude to their brand is its cost.
Although if you compare with other product of the less or same quality in the market, one would actually notice its just about the same price. some is slighty expensise, some is same price and some products are indeed cheaper. So, whats driving the cost of the cheaper products to be higher? its because of its concentration and volume. Due to their environmental policy, their product is sold in concentrated form and in large volume. It is to decreace the shipping and extra bottling cost.
Amway needs direct selling to sell its product because due to its products high quality production, its already has a high cost to start with. if they sell it by traditional way, it will has tv advertisement, poster, newspaper add, creative bottle design with all sizes, promotion plus various cost added to its product and it will become unrealistic to buy them. Besides, there will be price increase in every stages of middleman and shops that sells it.
Shelf top selling is no good because it will cause the product in some shop to become stagnant(old). Since they dont have chemical preservatives, they have a short live span. So, in my future, if i can afford it, i will replace my household and personal nessacities to quality product that not only does not harm ourself but also the environment.


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