Saturday, April 22, 2006


Last week Mun Yee has come and took her hamster away liao. At first got kind of miss them but now feels better already. At least when I feel really lonely and boring, got 2 hamsters to look at. I don’t think they ever get boring, they are always playing, eating or sleeping. Every day I feed them twice, every 2 days I clean their cage and every 5 days I change the wood chips. Living with the hamsters for some time makes our room also smells like hamster cage. Sometimes it’s quite nice also, I don’t really care.

Recently I found out our school got counselor, its on a poster at the soft board bulletin outside STAD. May be I should try to make an appointment there. Hm…..

Quite a lot of happenings going on lately but too lazy to type here. :P

Most recent one is I joined a robocon group. May be status just a helper, hm…. The competition is 2 weeks away. Looking forward for the trip to kl :D Just hope GOD gracious wont give me any trouble during the trip and showered his blessings for me to have some fun. Tired~………..tired…..tired……………


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